Pictured from left to right: Jessie Morales, Fr. Jesus Vela, Helen Sklar, Lincoln Stone, Jennifer Lin, Taiyyeba Skomra, Raj Iyer, and Laura Espinoza.
In immigrant communities, the first month of Mr. Trump’s administration has caused anxiety and fear. To counter the misinformation, rumors, and half-truths that are circulating freely, Stone Grzegorek & Gonzalez LLP is taking action wherever we can. With a long and strong tradition of providing pro bono legal services, SGG held a seminar in English and Spanish at St. Lawrence of Brindisi Catholic Church in the Watts district of South Central Los Angeles on February 13, 2017. Five SGG attorneys, with the help of two support staff, engaged with more than 150 residents of the predominantly Latino immigrant community. SGG attorneys presented an overview of the executive orders related to immigration (both the signed and draft orders), the proposed “wall,” impact on the Deferred Action and Childhood Arrivals program, and practical issues and legal problems with the implementation of some of the proposed policies. Attendees learned about their rights and received information useful for separating the truth from the fiction. Following the formal presentation, the SGG team held one-to-one interactions with some of the attendees, answering case-specific questions. Many of the questions and fears appeared to be fueled by the venomous political rhetoric and tense social environment we all are seeing daily. The objectives of this engagement were met, giving some hope to many who are worried everything will be lost under the new Administration. SGG believes it is important to support the community in this time of great need, and though much needs to be done, SGG remains hopeful for the future.