

Presidential Order Temporarily Suspending U.S. Immigration 849 565 Susan Pilcher

Presidential Order Temporarily Suspending U.S. Immigration

Citing the need to preserve job opportunities for U.S. workers, President Trump signed an executive order (“EO”) banning the entry as new immigrants of certain foreign nationals for a 60-day period, effective just prior to midnight on April 23, 2020. Those who are subject to the ban will not be issued visas or admitted to…

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Stone Grzegorek & Gonzalez Is Now Operating Remotely 244 302 SGG Immigration

Stone Grzegorek & Gonzalez Is Now Operating Remotely

Stone Grzegorek & Gonzalez attorneys and support staff are operating remotely; our offices are closed to the public. This will not impact our ability to provide complete and timely service to our clients. You can reach SGG via our main line  (213) 627-8997. If you would like to connect with a specific attorney, please dial…

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Expansion of “Travel Ban” to Nigerians Shines New Light on Waiver Process 640 439 Lincoln Stone

Expansion of “Travel Ban” to Nigerians Shines New Light on Waiver Process

Citing reasons of national security, by Proclamation dated January 31, the U.S. President expanded the “Travel Ban” to nationals of six more countries – Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Sudan and Tanzania.  The expansion takes effect on February 21, 2020.  Given that Nigerians account for 3 times as many immigrant visas as nationals from the five…

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Advisory on Birth Tourism Regulation 849 565 Taiyyeba Safri Skomra

Advisory on Birth Tourism Regulation

On Friday, January 24, 2020, the Department of State (DOS) published a new regulation, effective immediately, prohibiting “birth tourism” – applying for a visa or travel to the U.S. for the purpose of giving birth to obtain U.S. citizenship for a child.[1] The regulation changes the activities allowed under a B1/B2 visitor visa. Specifically, the…

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Update on Public Charge Rule 1920 1280 Taiyyeba Safri Skomra

Update on Public Charge Rule

U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) may soon move forward with implementing a rule that expands the scope of people who could be denied permanent resident status and extensions of temporary status based on the theory that they might become “public charges,” or those who use public benefits. This is one of several government initiatives…

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Get Ready For A Very Different H-1B Lottery Season! 1000 559 Josie Gonzalez

Get Ready For A Very Different H-1B Lottery Season!

USCIS will launch a new H-1B registration system beginning March 1 through March 20th.  The goal is to simplify the initial registration process. Only if an employer’s registration is selected in the USCIS lottery will the completed H-1B petition along with the filing fees be submitted.  Due to the simplification of the registration process, we…

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Expertise in Demand – SGG Lawyers As Trusted Thought Leaders 244 302 SGG Immigration

Expertise in Demand – SGG Lawyers As Trusted Thought Leaders

In August, Amy Prokop Lenhert presented her views on pre-litigation lawyering under the title “H-1Bs: Preparing for District Court at the RFE stage” before an audience of the Orange County Bar Association in Newport Beach Josie Gonzalez presented on the topic of ICE and worksite compliance at the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) Fall Conference…

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